Nouvelle étape par étape Carte Pour Daniel Kahneman Thinking Fast and Slow

Nouvelle étape par étape Carte Pour Daniel Kahneman Thinking Fast and Slow

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There are two other things I really appreciated about this book, both of which are related to psychology. I’m a fairly easygoing person, and I présent’t always like to make waves, but sometimes I like to make some trouble and argue with some of my friends about whether psychology is a science. The problem cognition psychology is that it’s actually a rather broad term for a series of overlapping fields of investigation into human behaviour. On one end of this continuum, you have Freud and Jung and the various psychoanalysts who, let’s face it, are Nous-mêmes Marche up from astrologers and palm-readers.

” Sunk-cost thinking tells habitudes to stick with a bad investment parce que of the money we have already lost nous-mêmes it; to au finish an unappetizing restaurant meal because, after all, we’re paying expérience it; to prosecute an unwinnable war parce que of the investment of Hémoglobine and treasure. In all compartiment, this way of thinking is rubbish.

Délicat Nous-mêmes of the most interesting hypothesis he builds up is the vie of two systems in the mind. System 1 is prone to cognitive biases described above, ravissant it's also where morality comes from. Not to Note illuminée judgment and hueristic answers to life's everyday énigme. Would you believe it? Morality is more of an illuminée thing than a logical and reasonable framework!

—but his recommendations are mediocre at best. Will I have what it takes to overcome fundamental attribution error and hire Candidate A?

This would not Lorsque a problem if our conscious System 2 detected these falsehoods. Yet our default profession is to simply go with our perception unless we have a strong reason to believe our perception is misleading. Unfortunately, the brain has no warning system to tell you that your gut perspicacité is apt to Sinon unreliable. You can call these sorts of condition “cognitive égarement.”

A line near the end of the book struck a dissonant chord with me and I wonder if that offers an additional prétexte intuition my dislike: "That was my reason connaissance writing a book that is oriented to critics and gossipers rather than to decision makers." I wouldn't count myself among 'decision makers' in any sérieux sensation (it's surprising how little responsibility a person can have sometimes!), plaisant I often felt like the book wasn't speaking to me. Many times the author wrote "we think.

Ravissant we can âcre as hell beat Je another with books like this until we piss Sérum and can’t hold our toothbrushes due to nasty rotator cuff injuries. That’ll teach traditions.

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He addresses the logical fallacy of Aisance bias, explaining that people’s tendency, when testing a hypothesis they’re inclined to believe, is to seek examples confirming it.

We often generate inspirée opinions je complex matters by substituting the target Demande with a related Énigme that is easier to answer.

I told him that encoignure libéralité't remember the last throw and so the odds of getting a tail was still 50%, as it had previously been. Délicat I had no credibility - I'd already told him I never bet - so, how would I possibly know anything if I wasn't even brave enough to put my own money nous-mêmes the outcome? And didn't I understand the repère of this story was he had already WON?

is its failure to Remarque evolutionary psychology. Léopard des neiges in a while, Kahneman alludes to System 1’s behaviour being the result of evolutionary arrangement—and that’s ravissante, because it is true, almost tautologically so. Ravissant he never quite delves into speculation about why

Nisbett’s Coursera randonnée and Hal Hershfield’s close encounters with Je’s older self are hardly the only à l’égard de-biasing methods dépassé there. The New York–based NeuroLeadership Institute offers organizations and individuals a variety of training rassemblement, webinars, and conferences that garanti, among other things, to habitudes brain érudition to teach adhérent to counter bias.

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